This post was originally published on eskill and was written by the always fantastic Chris Fields.

“Maybe I was destined to be in HR. I say that because I am not a big fan of Halloween and I never have been, not even as a kid. Yeah, getting all dressed up in costumes and going out to beg for candy from neighbors and strangers–what could possibly go wrong?

I am betting I’m not the only one who hates Halloween, HR secretly hates it too. They probably won’t admit it, but it’s true. Any HR person reading this article is quieting giggling inside because they know the Halloween office party is loaded with potential liabilities and embarrassments. We just hope to make it through the party without an incident. Don’t get me wrong–HR professionals love candy (they keep some on their desks), drinks, and good laughs. And yet, they know that the holiday office party is just an employee write-up waiting to happen.

Halloween is the official opener of the holiday party season. Up until then, it’s overcooked hamburgers andHalloween HRO the monthly employee birthday cake. Halloween is different and here’s why: it’s the only party where you are encouraged to be something or someone else and being a little naughty is okay–until it’s not.

Hey, raise your hand if you’ve ever had to send an employee home from a Halloween party for being too drunk, too offensive, or just too inappropriate? Extra points if you’ve had to send the manager, director or CEO home…go and sleep it off, pal.

Even though I hate Halloween, there are many others who love it. I’m not talking about kids either, because they are supposed to get excited and anticipate all the fun, laughter, and treats of Halloween. I’m talking about adults. Bloomberg BusinessWeek reports that we will spend over $6.9 billion dollars (that’s with a “b”!) on Halloween costumes, candy, parties, and even pet costumes this year.

The big difference between adults and kids at Halloween is that adults ALWAYS–ALWAYS try to push the boundaries of what’s appropriate and tasteful. It’s been happening for years and it will probably keep happening as well; there will always be THAT guy or girl at the party who just has to shock everyone.

Halloween gives grown folks an excuse to be childish. Take the guy who’s decorated his home to resemble a bio-hazardous contamination scene. Really! With the world on high alert regarding Ebola, he thinks this is light-hearted and funny. Way too soon, dude!

Can you imagine someone wearing an Ebola hazmat suit, which by the way is the Number 1 selling Halloween costume this year? Or how about the guy who staged a fake crime scene in his driveway, complete with a fake kid trapped under the wheel of a SUV? Of course he doesn’t think it’s too gruesome. YEAH! Fun times, can’t wait to discuss why your Washington Redskins body paint and Indian garb is offensive!

See, us HR folks can’t have fun at the Halloween party because as Guardians of the Business Galaxy we have to make sure the company doesn’t get sued. And although we send out an email outlining acceptable behavior and costumes, there is always that one person who wants to dress like a “pregnant nun.”

Do you know the number one fear HR has about your holiday party? In this age of social media, our biggest fear is that your lewd behavior will get recorded by one of the many smartphones in the room, uploaded to YouTube or Vine, and go viral!

Enough of the impending write-ups, lawsuits, and sexual harassment claims as a result of the Halloween shenanigans; let’s look at some positives, and check out some of the things you can do to make it more a “treat” than a dirty old “trick.”

  • Start the party early and set a time limit. Yes, do not treat this like a New Year’s Eve party. If you are going to have a Halloween office party, then do it early like 5 to 7 or 8 p.m., and that’s it. Also establish a two-adult-drink maximum.
  • Insist on costumes that are not offensive, shocking, culturally insensitive, racially insensitive, or sexually insensitive. In fact, have them try to not offend any of the senses at all.
  • Try a children’s character theme party, e.g. the Minions from Despicable Me, Ewoks from Star Wars, Dr. Zeus, superheroes, and Disney characters. Okay, I give you permission to dress as MALEFICENT, but that’s it!

Seriously, folks, I know it’s typical of HR to kill the mood and spoil the fun, but if employees could be trusted to have good clean fun without crossing the line, HR could relax a bit and enjoy the party too. However, that’s just not how it works. Ask any HR professional, even if they support the Halloween party and help organize it, their worst nightmare is that an employee will do something stupid in the name of fun which causes them to have to fire that employee on November 1st.”

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