How to Determine That One “Winning” Metric

Some people say the journey is just as important as the destination. That’s certainly the case when it comes to defining winning. True, you want to be sure that the definition of winning you come up with is right. But the process you use to develop that definition is just as important.

We have continually refined our process of helping companies define winning over the past 20+ years. It’s the typical starting point of our work. Our current recommended process involves the following five steps, done in parallel:

  1. Gathering input from all employees through an employee survey
  2. Gathering input from management, using a management questionnaire
  3. Assembling the past five years’ worth of financials, along with budget versus actual for the current year to date
  4. Assembling existing management reports
  5. Gathering input from customers as captured in our customer outreach script. (This will be used in determining your winning…

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